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October 19, 2006



Would increasing supply of books via more shelf space increase the demand for books as well? In Delhi, I noticed that bookstores are never crowded. They are mostly located in the richer part (South Delhi) or Connaught place and target audience seems to be the elite minority, expatriates, diplomats. Libraries are almost non-existent and book reading is just not in fashion for majority of population. People do read lots of magazines and newspapers but books will need a major cultural shift.


I have really no words to praise u.
How come u hav this much comments.
I really wonder.
Are u able 2 answer all theirquries?
Man,u r really great!!!!
Tamil blog also verynice.
Ever Biotechnologically yours,


Even there is not much advertisements.
Its really great yaar.
I am happy that u r also a Tamilian!!!

Dr. Mohamed Taher

Thanks for this great info.
I posted this in my blog.
Best, Mohamed Taher

Rajesh Chandran

I dont understand why u have to advertise here.
Well the post is really good and educating.

Petter John

Rather great entry, really educational stuff. Never believed I would obtain the tips I want right here.

chandan singh

great for indians. INDIAN book industry growing

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