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September 07, 2006


Rajesh Chandran

Man u have done a lot fo research for this, kudos and keep it up, i will keep coming back


Great work done by Journalism students

Mahesh Patel

Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you very much for providing such wide knowledge for publishing Industry.
I want to know about it more. I mean, How the books are published?, What are the channnels we can go for?, what are the rates to get book published?

if you can provide me such information then I would be greatful to you.
this is my mail: [email protected]


Dear sir,
I am an M.Ed student at Calicut University, Kerala. This article was indeed useful for me as my dissertation topic is Reading Habit. Thank you so much.


i am from chennai and i found this article helpful. i would like to see some graphs to support this.


I think more people needs to be able to read, while this would help them not only with readding but also with other issues, maybe with TV with subtitles...

chandan singh

I like way of writing and explaining. Great survey

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