In 1993 and 1994, UNESCO's Prospects: Quarterly review of comparative education published a series of profiles of 100 famous educators-philosophers, statesmen, politicians, journalists, psychologists, poets, men of religion-drawn from many parts of the world. The complete list is available.
The 100 who figure are in the list (below) include many whom I have never heard of, let alone read about their views on education. Over time, I hope to go through the profiles and time permitting, summarise their life and contributions in separate posts - it should be very interesting. (If you have the inclination and the time, please do go through the profiles too and write about them. It may help us all go through the entire list sooner than later)
Adiseshiah, Alain, Aristotle, Aurobindo, Avicenna,
Beeby, Bello, Bernstein, Bettelheim, Binet, Bloom, Blonsky, Al-Boustani, Brunsvick Yves, Buber,
Cai Yuanpei, Calasanz, Claparède, Comenius, Comte, Condorcet, Confucius, Cousinet,
Dawid, Debesse, Decroly, Dewey, Diesterweg, Dolto, Durkheim,
Eötvös, Erasmus,
Fafunwa, Al-Farabi, Ferrière, Freinet, Freire, Freud, Fröbel, Fukuzawa,
Gandhi, Al-Ghazali, Giner de los Rios, Glinos, Goodman, Gramsci, Grundtvig, Grzegorzewska,
Hegel, Herbart, Humboldt, Husén, Hussein,
Jaspers, Jovellanos, Jullien de Paris, Kandel,
Kant, Kerschensteiner, Key, Ibn Khaldun, Kilpatrick, Ki-Zerbo, Kold, Korczak, Krishnamurti, Krupskaya,
Makarenko, Mao Zedong, Mann Jonathan, Martí, Mead, Melanchthon, Mencius, Mercante, Miskawayh, Montaigne, Montessori, More,
Naik, Neill, Niemeyer, Nightingale, Noikov, Nyerere,
Ortega y Gasset, Owen,
Pestalozzi, Piaget, Plato, Priestley,
Read, Rogers, Rousseau, Rudenschöld,
Sadler, Salomon, Sarmiento, Sérgio, Skinner, Spencer, Steiner, Suchodolski, Sun Yat-sen,
Tagore, Al-Tahtawi, Teixeira, Tolstoy, Trefort, Trstenjak,
Ushinsky, Uznadze,
Varela, Vasconcelos, Vico, Vivekananda, Vives, Vygotsky and
The following Indians figure in the list.
Adiseshiah, Malcolm
Aurobindo (Sri)
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand
Krishnamurti, J.
Naik, J.P.
Tagore, Rabindranath
Vivekananda Swami