Name of the Institution | JRD Tata Automation Training Centre in collaboration with Tata Honeywell Limited |
Courses offered | Certificate course in Industrial Automation and Control Engineering. (THL) Certified Industrial Automation & Control Engineer. Similar course on Control Systems for ships, specifically designed for Marine Engineering students and Merchant Navy professionals is also offered. This is a focused training course in the are of Distributed Control Systems & Applications in Process Industry. It has been specifically designed for final year degree students and fresh engineering students. |
Website | |
Accreditation Status | Tata Honeywell (THL) Certified Industrial Automation & Control Engineer status |
Admission Criteria | Engineering studetns with experience of 1 year (or less) or students in their final year of Engineering Degree/Diploma |
Application Details | Log on to for application details |
Deadline | 4 week courses begin on July 05, 12 and August 09, 23, 2004. |
Other Information | Course includes one week in-plant training at Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilisers (RCF) at Mumbai. Placement may be considered in Tata Honeywell after completion of the course based on individual's performance and requirements from time to time. The courses are specifically designed for working individuals keen on enhancing their career opportunities and upgrading their knowledge in the field of distributed control systems (DCS) and programmable logic controllers (PLC). |
Contact Address | TATA HONEYWELL 56 & 57 Hadapsar Industrial Estate , Pune - 411013 Tel : +91-20-4039400 / 4039830, Fax : +91-20-26878 369, Email: [email protected] |
Source | The Hindu, Sunday, June 27, 2004, p7 |
Sir I am intrested in the traing program in control systems, i would like to know when the batches start in july and what is the fees for the trainging
Posted by: Syed Ali Imran | July 13, 2004 at 08:00 PM
i student of third year of instumentation shree guru gobind sinhaji institute of engg.& tech.,nanded i want to do inplant training in ur industry will u reply me
Posted by: sudhir sampat sakal | February 08, 2005 at 09:49 PM
i student of in strumentation(third year) i also would like to know when batches will start? what is fee stucture per day & how days will it? is there hostel accomodation for out students? how it chartges?
Posted by: sudhir sampat sapkal | February 08, 2005 at 09:56 PM
I would like to do one plc training from your training institute. I have completed diploma in electronics and instrumentation and 7 years experience in the field of instrumentation.
Could you please guaide me.
Posted by: hochim | February 26, 2005 at 07:40 PM
i mohameed sayeed hussain have completed B.E(inst) from osamania university i ant to know fees details and is there any in plant training and also i want to know that major course consist of dcs or plc
Posted by: mohd sayeed hussain | March 06, 2005 at 04:55 PM
i am karthick have completed B.E(inst) from madurai kamaraj university i want to know fees details of courses plc and Dcs and the training period & time
could you please guide me
Posted by: p.karthick | March 07, 2005 at 11:14 AM
Sir, i am ajit parmar have completed B.E(c.s) I am intrested in the traing program in control systems, i would like to know when the batches start in july and what is the fees for the trainging
Posted by: Ajit parmar | March 07, 2005 at 01:13 PM
dear sir,
I am AKHILESH KUMAR ,eager to know about courses in your organization of PLC.i am studing in final year of B.E.(ETC)in of engineering , me information that when this courses starts ,duration of course and fees.
is any hostel facility there????
Thank you sir.
Posted by: akhilesh kumar | March 22, 2005 at 07:46 PM
i am arun gobinath.i am doing my final B.E(EEE).can i join this course.can u provide job for us?is it value ?
Posted by: arungobinath | April 15, 2005 at 08:30 PM
please let me know tis there any dcs training u r offering
inst engineer
Posted by: shaikrazak | April 20, 2005 at 05:01 PM
i want to join plc course in ur company.i need the fees and placement details.
Posted by: manjula | April 26, 2005 at 02:42 PM
I am jeyakumar,pursuing M.Tech(power systems).i will be completed within 10 there any course in your insititution related with my degree.I would like to know the fees and when will the batches start? please inform me as early as possible.
thanking you.
Posted by: S.Jeyakumar | April 28, 2005 at 04:14 PM
3rd may05
respected sir ,
im student of 3rd yr. just about to complete my 6th sem.
in electronics instrumentation & contro; engg.
im very keenly intrested in joining ur reknown and job oriented excellent program of training for PLC & DCS ,under ur able student of institute of engg. & technology (IET,ALWAR).
requesting for ur very obliging reply.
urs faithfully
rehan jafri
Posted by: rehan jafri | May 02, 2005 at 07:47 PM
3rd may05
respected sir ,
im student of 3rd yr. just about to complete my 6th sem.
in electronics instrumentation & contro; engg.
im very keenly intrested in joining ur reknown and job oriented excellent program of training for PLC & DCS ,under ur able student of institute of engg. & technology (IET,ALWAR).
requesting for ur very obliging reply.
urs faithfully
rehan jafri
Posted by: rehan jafri | May 03, 2005 at 03:21 PM
i am thanzeer.t.m,final year I am intrested in the traing program in control systems, i would like to know when the batches start in july/august and what is the fees for the there any hostel facilities available.
Posted by: thanzeer.t.m | May 06, 2005 at 10:03 AM
dear sir,
I want to more about the courses Regarding training in automation.
I am working and having 8 months experience in cement industry but I want to switch over to automation industries.
kindly suggest me for that.
thanks & regards
ravi mundra
Posted by: ravi mundra | May 06, 2005 at 03:48 PM
myself being a final year EEE student would like to know the compelete details of your training prog ,schedule, fees and reg procedure at the earliestand also the scope of your programme with reference to electrical engg...thank you
Posted by: mohammed jafer rizwan | May 15, 2005 at 11:48 AM
i have completed be in instrumentation & control engg .i want to do course in plc & dcs in u r company. regarding the fees details reply me as soon as possible .
your faithfully
Posted by: ram ganesh | May 28, 2005 at 08:06 PM
i want to know when the fresh batch is going to start.
Posted by: ragunathreddy | May 29, 2005 at 11:43 AM
i am 4-year moving student of B.E(E.I). i want to join your course.i have done training in PLC and having knowledge of DCS .please reple me all detail of training prog kindly
Posted by: nitin malviya | May 29, 2005 at 01:36 PM
I am interested in doing the DCS training provided by you.Presently I am working in POWER STATION which is going to implement DCS I am working as TURBINE MAINTENACE ENGINEER.I want to know which course will be better for me and also easy and the course structure provided by you and all the details regarding fees, starting date for batch,hostel facility and the basic requirment for the course.
I have done Electronics and Tele-Communication Engineering.I am planning to do this course in 2006 January after 15th.
Do please provide me the details for the above.Also I mailed u 4-5 times before but no response from your side.
Posted by: zubair | June 01, 2005 at 10:05 PM
sir iam completed Bse in maths pysics and i also completed in one year INDURSTRIAL ELECRONICS in ATI&EPIin ramanthapurein hydarabad this course inclouding microprosscerand control systems sir iam eligible for indusrrial automation course if iam eligeble placements are faverble to my qualification plese give the about information to my mail id [email protected]
Posted by: j s r k prasad | June 04, 2005 at 11:36 AM
i just completed my B.E. electrical engg.from pune. c.o.e.
i am willing to join the plc automation coarse.. plz give mi details of corse... plz mention the placement requitment from ur institute...
Posted by: harshal patil | June 15, 2005 at 08:40 PM
plz i want the latest information about courses
Posted by: Abhishek Ranjan | June 16, 2005 at 01:22 AM
I am saravanakarthi B.E (EEE) from Anna university.
I am willing to join your Plc &Dcs Course.Please give me the detail of this course ,fees, and venue ,Schedule of the programme.
Thanking you sir
Yours sincerly
Posted by: saravana karthi | June 16, 2005 at 04:34 PM